Methods of change management

Proven methodology for change intervention and implementation

„Vulnerando sanamus“
(We rehabilitate by cutting in.)

Inscription above the main portal of the surgical clinic in Gießen

To reliably eliminate causes of diseases, targeted interventions are necessary. Your body needs time for healing and for rehabilitation. And without internalised behavioural change, you would soon face the same problem again.

Intervene in a targeted and courageous way even if you recognise operational problems. Do not cover up the symptoms. “Business as usual” exacerbates the problems. Ruthlessly eliminate the roots of the evil and embed important behavioural changes in your organisation. Give the process time, but demand results.

Give the process time, but demand results. A recovery plan is of no use if the implementation discipline is lacking. Do not do without methodologically sound implementation expertise and tight project management. You can expect both from my work. I would like to go into some procedures and methods that have proven themselves in implementation:

Benefit orientation

My project assignments focus solely on customer benefits. However, the path to customer benefit is rarely fixed from the beginning, but only emerges “as we go”. During the project assignments, insights accumulate and possibilities open up that I incorporate into the project work. Often, promising solutions for local challenges lie outside the scope defined at the start of the project. The reason for this is often the interconnections between operational functions and substantive issues. My clients know that I not only present such influences, but also take them into account in my project work in order to achieve the best customer benefit. Only consistent implementation leads to the desired results. There must be no sacred cows.

Techniques and procedure models

In implementation projects, I use recognised and proven process models, not only for reasons of efficiency, but for the benefit of quality and comparability. Thus, creativity techniques, strategy models, valuation approaches, due diligence practices and game-theoretical models, among others, are used in my project assignments.


If you don’t want “agility” to remain just a modern buzzword in your business practice, rely on the principle of self-regulation in on-site teams. But what is behind “self-regulation”, which in recent years has also been referred to as “holacracy”? It’s about empowerment and functioning feedback that makes your organization powerful, dynamic and adaptable and therefore resilient. I have described the path to such an organization with my “CyberPractice” method, with which I make essential findings from cybernetics accessible to corporate practice. Because the path to self-regulation must also be initiated and guided. Nothing happens by itself.


The Balanced Scorecard method, which comes from the USA, is an instrument with which holistic management can be implemented. The Balanced Scorecard is suitable for ensuring that, in addition to pure financial goals, social goals and sustainability goals are also pursued. It helps to “live” with conflicting goals and not to “resolve” them by excluding certain goals. A balance with a “both/and” is often the better way in a complex world.

Hoshin Kanri

The Japanese Hoshin Kanri method can be used to combine work on day-to-day business with work concerning long-term goals. Consistent use of this method ensures that day-to-day business does not crowd out work on long-term goals and that all activities are oriented toward long-term goals.

Project-Management, Change-Management

Every implementation project must be managed. In many companies I notice that basically all the findings are already there, but are not consistently implemented. Sometimes you don’t have the necessary courage to deviate from the routine path and do something different. In other cases, the methodology with which consistency and implementation discipline can be demanded is missing. I have been bringing about change in companies for three decades and have developed expertise in project management. As an active member of the “Project and Program Management” working group of the umbrella company Deutsches Interim Management (DDIM), I constantly exchange application know-how with qualified colleagues. This collaboration resulted in, among other things, the white paper Project Management under VUCA Conditions at the end of 2018, which I offer via my virtual consulting portal consultingcheck.


It is important to me to pass on my experiences to interested specialists and managers so that our economy functions better. As a lecturer for “Strategic Entrepreneurship” at the Koblenz University of Applied Sciences, I am familiar with the transfer of knowledge and know-how and provide hands-on guidance to specialists and managers as part of my project assignments. Good management is a craft that can be learned. Process models used by management consultants are tools of the trade. I would like to demystify these tools, promote networked thinking and impart know-how for business practice. That’s why I created consultingcheck.

Measures for a sustainable impact

In order to ensure the lasting impact of my implementation projects, I actively and responsibly involve my clients’ employees in implementation projects and make all methods and basics openly available to them. A few months after completing my project assignments, I offer my clients a review in which we look at which project results have proven successful, what further progress the organization has made and what was unsustainable. We will then look together for sensible follow-up measures.

Literature on this topic


Wickham, Philip A: Strategic Entrepreneurship

Prentice HallEdinburgh Gate, Harlow2006ISBN: 978-0-273-70642-71

Warnecke, Hans-Jürgen: Revolution der Unternehmenskultur

Rowohlt Taschenbuch VerlagReinbek bei Hamburg1996ISBN: 3-499-19708-11

Simsa, Ruth; Patak, Michael: Leadership in Nonprofit-Organisationen. Die Kunst der Führung ohne Profitdenken

Linde internationalWien2008ISBN: 978-3-714-30103-41

Sprenger, Reinhard K: Radikal führen

Campus VerlagFrankfurt am Main2012ISBN: 978-3-593-39462-61

Sydow, Jörg; Windeler, Arnold (Hrsg.): Managment Interorganisationaler Beziehungen. Vertrauen, Kontrolle und Informationstechnik

Westdeutscher VerlagWiesbaden1997ISBN: 3-531-12686-51

Sanders, Norman: Stop Wasting Time. Computer-aided Planning and Controlling

Prentice HallNew York, London, Toronto, Sydney, Singapore1991ISBN: 0-139-50462-82

Schmidt, Evelin: Unternehmensführung und -organisation. Betriebliche Abläufe erfolgreich gestalten

Holzmann MedienBad Wörishofen2014ISBN: 978-3-778-30873-81

Rappaport, Alfred: Creating Shareholder Value – A guide for managers and investors

The Free Press, Maximillan IncNew York1998ISBN: 0-684-84410-91

Olavarria, Marco: Orgazign. Organisationen lebenswert gestalten

Handelsblatt FachmedienDüsseldorf2018ISBN: 978-3-942-54367-52

Pfläging, Niels: Die 12 neuen Gesetze der Führung. Der Kodex: Warum Management verzichtbar ist

Campus VerlagFrankfurt am Main2009ISBN: 978-3-593-38998-12

Madauss, Bernd: Handbuch Projektmanagement

Verlag C. E. PoeschelStuttgart1991ISBN: 3-791-00615-02

Kudernatsch, Daniela (Hrsg.): Hoshin Kanri. Policy Deployment durch agile Strategieumsetzung

Schäffer Poeschel VerlagStuttgart2019ISBN: 978-3-791-04442-22

Hüther, Gerald: Würde. Was uns stark macht – als Einzelne und als Gesellschaft

Albrecht KnausMünchen2018ISBN: 978-3-813-50783-61

Kissel, Klaus; Tschinkel, Wolfgang: Das Prinzip der minimalen Führung

Windmühle VerlagHamburg2011ISBN: 978-3-937-44494-92

Häusel, Hans-Georg: Think Limbic! Die Macht des Unbewussten verstehen und nutzen für Motivation, Marketing, Management

Rudolf Haufe MediengruppeFreiburg, Berlin, München2005ISBN: 3-448-06813-62

Golemann, Daniel: EQ Emotionale Intelligenz

dtvMünchen1997ISBN: 3-446-18526-71

Groß, Michael: Einfach machen! Wie Komplexität beherrschbar und das Leben erfolgreicher wird

RedlineMünchen2016ISBN: 978-3-86881-628-02

Grösser, Stefan N.; Schwaninger, Markus; Tilebein, Meike; Fischer, Thomas; Jeschke, Sabina: Modellbasiertes Management

Duncker & HumblotBerlin2014ISBN: 978-3-428-14267-51

Groth, Thorsten: 66 Gebote systemischen Denkens und Handelns in Management und Beratung

Carl-AuerHeidelberg2019ISBN: 978-3-849-70212-02

Grün, Anselm: Menschen führen – Leben wecken

Vier-Türme-VerlagMünsterschwarzach1998ISBN: 978-3-87868-132-82

Grundl, Boris; Schäfer, Bodo: Leading simple. Führung kann so einfach sein

Gabal VerlagOffenbach2013ISBN: 978-3-897-49708-52

Forbes, William: Behavioural Finance

John Wiley & Sons LtdUnited Kingdom2009ISBN: 978-0-470-02804-91

Gälweiler, Aloys: Strategische Unternehmensführung

Campus VerlagFrankfurt am Main und New York2005ISBN: 978-3-593-37761-21

Denk, Robert; Pfneissl, Thomas: Komplexitätsmanagement

Linde VerlagWien2009ISBN: 978-3-714-30163-21

Deshimaru, Taisen: Za-Zen. Die Praxis des Zen

Werner Kristkeitz VerlagParis1974ISBN: 3-932-33711-52

Dowling, Peter J.; Schuler, Randall S.; Welch, Denice E: Human Resource Management

Wadsworth Publishing CompanyBelmont (CA)1994ISBN: 0-534-21366-91

Drucker, Peter F: Die ideale Führungskraft. Zeiteinteilung, Organisation, Effektivität

Econ VerlagDüsseldorf1995ISBN: 3-430-12223-62

Drucker, Peter F.:: On the Profession of Management

Harvard Business Review BookBoston (MA)1998ISBN: 1-591-39322-12

Drucker, Peter F: Die Praxis des Managements. Ein Leitfaden für die Führungsaufgaben der modernen Wirtschaft

EconDüsseldorf und München1998ISBN: 3-430-12234-12

Breckwoldt, Frank: Hochleistung und Menschlichkeit. Das pragmatische Führungskonzept für gesunde Spitzenleistung

Gabal VerlagOffenbach2013ISBN: 978-3-869-36477-32

Bryan, Lowell L.; Joyce, Claudia I: Mobilizing Minds. Creating Wealth from Talent in the 21st-Century Organization

McGraw HillNew York,2007ISBN: 978-0-071-49082-51

Bullinger, Hans-Jörg; Warnecke, Hans Jürgen (Hrsg.): Neue Organisationsformen im Unternehmen

Springer VerlagHeidelberg1996ISBN: 3-540-60263-11

Buß, Eugen: Managementsoziologie – Grundlagen, Praxiskonzepte, Fallstudien

Oldenbourg WissenschaftsverlagMünchen2012ISBN: 978-3-486-59660-11

Dathe, Johannes: Kooperationen. Leitfaden für Unternehmen. Strategien, Erfahrungen und Grenzen in Europa

Hanser VerlagMünchen und Wien1998ISBN: 3-446-19270-02

Bower, Marvin: Die Kunst zu führen

Redline VerlagHeidelberg2006ISBN: 978-3-636-01391-02

Bräkling, Elmar; Oidtmann, Klaus: Beschaffungsmanagement. Erfolgreich einkaufen mit Procurement-Power

Springer GablerWiesbaden2019ISBN: 978-3-658-07118-91

Auer, Ludwig von: Ökonometrie. Eine Einführung

Springer GablerBerlin, Heidelberg2016ISBN: 978-3-662-47868-41

Baumeister, Roy; Tierney, John: Die Macht der Disziplin. Wie wir unseren Willen trainieren können

Campus VerlagFrankfurt am Main2012ISBN: 978-3-593-39360-52

Becker, Helmut L: Ganzheitliche Management-Methodik – Die Erfolgsfaktoren der Selbstführung, Mitarbeiterführung und Arbeitsmethodik

Expert VerlagStuttgart1989ISBN: 3-8169-0689-32

Becker, Hermann: Führung, Motivation und Leistung. Erfolg durch professionelle Mitarbeiterführung

Econ VerlagDüsseldorf1990ISBN: 3-612-21106-42

Becker, Horst; Langosch, Ingo: Produktivität und Menschlichkeit

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Vogelsang, Gregor; Burger, Christian: Werte schaffen Werte. Warum wir glaubwürdige Manager brauchen

Econ VerlagMünchen2004ISBN: 3-430-19384-22

Abel, Jürgen: Die flexible Produktion. Praxisbuch für Entscheider

mi-WirtschaftsbuchMünchen2011ISBN: 978-3-868-80128-92

Adriani, Brigitte; Cornelius, Rolf; Lasko, Wolf; Wetz, Rainer: Hurra, ein Problem! Kreative Lösungen im Team

Gabler VerlagWiesbaden1989ISBN: 3-409-13123-X2

Anderson, Robert J.; Adams, William A: Mastering Leadership. An integrated Framework for breakthrough performance and extraordinary business results

John Wiley & Sons, IncHoboken (New Jersey)2016ISBN: 978-1-119-14719-01

Argyris, Chris; Schön, Donald A. (Hrsg.): Die Lernende Organisation. Grundlagen, Methode, Praxis

Klett-Cotta VerlagStuttgart2006ISBN: 978-3-608-91890-82

Senge, Peter M: Die fünfte Disziplin. Kunst und Praxis der lernenden Organisationen

Schäffer-Poeschel VerlagStuttgart2011ISBN: 978-3-791-02996-22

Senge, Peter M.; Kleiner, Art; Smith, Bryan; Roberts, Charlotte, Ross, Richard: Das Fieldbook zur Fünften Disziplin

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Sridhar, Kishor: Krisenimpfung – So machen Sie Ihr Unternehmen widerstandsfähiger und zukunftssicher

Redline VerlagMünchen2013ISBN: 978-3-86881-369-22

Lindemann, Udo; Maurer, Maik; Braun, Thomas: Structural Complexity Management. An Approach for the Field of Product Design

Springer VerlagBerlin, Heidelberg2009ISBN: 978-3-540-87888-91

Magin, Philipp; von Kortzfleisch, Harald F. O: Methoden und Instrumente des Scientific Entrepeneurship Engineering

Eul VerlagLohmar bei Köln2008ISBN: 978-3-899-36706-51

Miller, Robert B. ; Heiman, Stephen E.; Tuleja, Tad: The new successful large account management. How to hold on to your most important customers and turn them into long-term assets

Henry Holt and CompanyNew York1996ISBN: 978-0-7494-4501-02

Miller, Robert B.; Heiman, Stephen E.; Tuleja, Tad: The New Strategic Selling

Miller Heiman IncLondon2004ISBN: 978-0-749-44130-22

Fisher, Roger; Shapiro, Daniel: Building Agreement. Using Emotions as you negotiate

Random HouseLondon2005ISBN: 978-1-905-21108-12

Fisher, Roger; Ury, William: Getting to Yes. Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In

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